The Sacrifice production design

Artist: Anna Asp

See more Asp production designs in the Sacrifice Special Section.

Stalker production design

Artist: Alexander Boym

This design was never used.

Stalker production design

Artist: Alexander Boym

This design was never used.

Mirror production design

Artist: Nikolai Dvigubsky

Mirror production design

Artist: Nikolai Dvigubsky

Solaris production design

Artist: Michail Romadin

Solaris production design

Artist: Michail Romadin

Note how the feel of the design closely resembles the scene in the finished film.

Solaris production design

Artist: Michail Romadin

In the library. Note the painting on the wall.

Solaris production design

(please compare)

Note the sound stage floor on the left and the sound stage wall visible there. It was used unaltered in the rocket launch scene, though it was done on a different sound stage. Note how meticulously close the design was followed in actual production.

Andrei Rublov production design

Artist: Ippolit Novoderejkin

Andrei Rublov production design

Artist: Ippolit Novoderejkin

Andrei Rublov production design

Artist: Ippolit Novoderejkin

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